Conditions In LA Might Be Right For Mold
5/13/2019 (Permalink)
It's estimated that over 1 million types of mold exist, yet less than 10% have actually been named. This means that mold is very common in both indoor and outdoor environments. While mold and humans can sometimes co-exist without issue there are certain species of mold that can cause health issues for some people.
If the right conditions exist, mold will grow. Those conditions include:
- Water - Different mold types require varying amounts of liquid before growth begins.
- Temperature - Normal indoor temperatures will promote mold growth.
- Time - Initial mold colonizers can take hold within one day after being exposed to an adequate water supply.
Mold growth can occur in any home, so it's important to keep an eye out for situations that might promote mold activity. Roof/chimney leaks, wet basements, or condensation from ducts that dampen surrounding insulation are just a few examples of issues that can make your home a prime target for mold growth.
If you suspect mold in your home, call SERVPRO of Hollywood Hills/Los Feliz to asses the situation. We have the knowledge. tools and track record to effectively remediate mold in your home or business.
What to do:
- Stay out of the affected areas.
- Turn off HVAC systems and fans.
- Contact SERVPRO of Hollywood Hills/Los Feliz.