Why SERVPRO Photo Gallery

SERVPRO Floor Protection

Only here at SERVPRO do you have the customer care that you expect. Our main job is to keep the floors protected and not cause any more damage to the surrounding area. 

Check Your Crawl Space

SERVPRO goes where no man has gone since the home wall was built. Crawl spaces can have lots of leaks or mold. Don't wait until it's too late call SERVPRO today.

HOA Fountain Flooded with Mud - Los Angeles

Our team gets down & dirty; we removed the caked-on mud and we cleaned the remainder of the tank. This is a difficult process as the mud has to be removed rather than displaced, this required specialized equipment and vacuums. 

HOA Fountain Flooded with Mud - Los Angeles

After 2 days the remediated fountain is back in normal working condition. The expected result of a job well done. we uphold our word here at SERVPRO to deliver exemplary service. 

HOA Fountain Flooded with Mud - Los Angeles

All cleaned after a ob well done, we take pride in our service and professionalism which we uphold through our thorough work to make sure that we get your life back on track away from any disasters. 

HOA Fountain Flooded with Mud - Los Angeles

During a loss like this, the surrounding areas are mostly affected, such as this parking lot under the loss that also was flooded with mud and water which had seeped through.